Discord Relay for Nexus Fire Alarm System
Red Robot is not affiliated with or sponsored by Nexus, or it's Creators. This product uses the Nexus API built into the Nexus Fire Alarm System
The Red Robot Discord Relay for the Nexus Fire Alarm listens for alarms from a Nexus Alarm and then relays it to a Discord Channel via Webhook. It is able to relay to up to 3 Webhooks, and ping different Roles for each.
Configuration and Setup
- After Unboxing the Relay, Rez it on the Ground.
- Click on your configured Nexus - API Controller, It will say in local chat the channel your Controller will say alarms on.
- Now, Right Click and Edit the Relay, go to "Content", and open the notecard called "Application.Config"
- Scroll down the notecard and find where it says "Channel", and paste the Channel Number that you got from the API Controller after the = on that line, example Channel = -747248960
Be Sure you don't remove any of the # at the beginning of any line that has one, this will cause a error, additionally, don't add one to any of the lines on the notecard.
- After you do this, Go and Right Click -> Edit your API Controller, Go to the "General" Tab, find where it says "Copy Keys"(This is what it says on firestorm, it may be different for other viewers, and say something like Object UUID, or Object Key).
- Copy this Key, or Click on the Button, then return to the Application.Config notecard and find where it says ObjectUUID(The Very last line). Paste this after the = on that line replacing whatever is after the = in the notecard for that line.
- Click Save to Save your Progress
- Next, We Will Add the Webhooks for your Discord Server. This tutorial as it used in several JAC Products can be found on this page Create a Discord Webhook
- Paste the Webhook on the line "webhook" in the notecard. Repeat this if you are using more than one webhook by placing the other two in the Webhook2 and Webhook3 Lines. if you are only using one(posting to one channel only), leave the other two webhooks set with the value "off".
- You can set the Role in WebhookRole to either @everyone , @here, or setting it to a role ID. You can find a role ID by following tutorial here Get Discord Role ID
- Save your Notecard
- Configure the following lines as you wish to. Then Save the Notecard Again.
MessageContent = AFA Automatic Fire Alarm Notification
MessageName = Jacob's Alarm Company
MessageFooter = Sent by Relay Version 0.0.5
## Place a SLURL Here
Location = http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/BigPP/69/69/69
## Choose your system type, I usually will use Governmental, Commercial, Industrial or Residential, Essentially the building type
Type = Governmental
- Now, Test your system by activating/clicking a pull station. Note that if you do drill it won't send a alert because of the way the system is made. This is intentional as in real life, a drill won't send a message to the fire department. A message should be posted in whatever discord channel you setup.
You must set this up for each Fire Alarm You have, this means for each "address". Another way of saying it is for every "AlarmID" you have